Posted in family, Food, garden

What’s on Friday’s plate?

Covid played havoc with our family Friday night pizza time.  Then once the worst of Covid was over my other half started golfing on Friday afternoons.  The grandchildren, who’ve been spending every Friday night with us, eat early and he gets home late so pizza hasn’t been on the menu much. But we do still eat on Friday nights…

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Posted in pandemic

Rock Bottom?

Like everyone else I had no concept that pandemics dragged on and on and on and on and on….

We all want “normal” back but I feel like we are a bloody long way from it. Like the health care workers I am discouraged at our lack of progress in managing this disease. Like 80% of people in my province I am ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED at the leadership who only care about economic growth. I am saddened that the vaccination rates are SO SO SO SO low in huge parts of our province. I’ve given up emailing politicians. At this point it’s just keep a low profile, wear a mask (like seriously people it’s not bloody hard) and assess every last activity to ensure its not exposing those I love to risks that aren’t worth it.

The death toll climbs. The average age of deaths is dropping steadily. Pediatric patients are dying, children the age of my grandchildren. This has got to be rock bottom right?

Between Covid and climate change it really does feel like we are going to hell in a hand basket. It also feels like there is so little that one person can do to make a difference. Any one out there have a good ideas on how to stay positive in a time of such negativity? I could use a dose of silver lining about now.
