Posted in Food, grandchildren

#Sundaystills S’More Summer

I’m going to go for the trifecta of challenges here. The stars aligned up or the maybe it was a shooting star that bolstered productivity?

First up it’s summer. I am totally in denial that it’s only vaguely twilight at 4 am. Dusk doesn’t allow as much task or walk time as I wish but I am pretending it’s only because we eat supper so late. Which lead me to the first and second challenges. What’s on your plate in the summer?

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Posted in fitness, Food, health, Self Care

An Apple a day…

I ate an apple today. It was cold, crisp and slightly sweet. Not at all like the apples of my childhood lunch box where they were warm and soft. The number of times I carried the same apple to and from school is probably fairly high. A work conversation from two school lunch packing dad’s let me know that this sort of thing is still going on. But back to my apple.

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Posted in Advent Calendar, celebrations, family, Food, grandchildren, Projects

#Sundaystills meets the 12 Festive BonBon’s

For several years I posted daily in December. My friend and I do an Kindness Advent Calendar and the posts tied into the activities. It was, I felt at the time, a chance to connect with readers and encourage them to see the season in a Kindness frame. It was fairly taxing pulling together a post every day along with the activities so this year I am switching things up. I am still committed to the Kindness Advent Calendar but I am attempting a multi blog challenge here with this one post that will cover “all bases”.

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