Posted in moonshine, rural life, writing


Moon dogs
Sun dogs
Cold dogs

And the big bad wind said
I will huff and puff and blow the house down
And the wind blew
And blew
And blew
And blew
And blew
And blew some more
But the old house on the hill withstood the onslaught
Albeit the downspout sounded like a plane on takeoff

And the big bad wind said
I will swirl and snarl and whip the snow around
And the wind blew
And blew
And blew
And blew
And blew
And blew
And blew some more
And the snow stood in mounds and waves like it had done somersaults
With eerie dog pee stack castoffs

And the big bad wind said
I will blow your brain till it has a meltdown
And the wind blew
And blew
And blew
And blew
And blew
And blew
And blew
And blew
And blew
And blew
And blew some more
And then blew some more
And the brain caved and cracked until there was no freedom of thought
Finally sleep came to avoid a total brain lift off

Drifts captured – Moon dogs were the morning before and not captured

Twenty four plus hours of non stop full force wind and I once again wonder how the dirty thirties were survived. Ninety years later we appear to be back to the roaring twenties but this time it’s not the morals but the wind. Endlessly flailing at the world perhaps in retaliation for climate change. It’s howl loudly heard through the trees in the ravine as we try to escape the windchill. One can, if desperate, escape the buffeting endless pressure of it by sleeping in the basement.

I am fairly certain that poetry is not my strong suit but hey I actually managed a few rhyming words. Perhaps I over did it on the repetitive phrase or perhaps the wind over did it and fried my brain.

This afternoon the sun shone. The wind was a light breeze. The temp was a balmy -16. We had a fabulous snow shoe and went much farther than the last few days. It was the kind of the day that makes one love winter. Gotta focus on the positives and sleep hard tonight to make up for last night!
