Posted in celebrations, family, pandemic, photography, Projects, rural life, Self Care, writing

Fav Combo for #Sundaystills

This has to have been the easiest #Sundaystills post to pull together EVER! My kids (and their spouses) and all the pets. Now technically the cows in the second picture are not pets in the usual sense but we get a lot of enjoyment out of watching them. The dogs have changed over the years and the kids have left home while the grandchildren change all the time. But what doesn’t change is how this is it. The important things in my life distilled down into one post.

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Posted in pandemic, Projects, Random ramblings, rural life, Self Care, writing

Visual on Violet

I am enjoying these #SundayStills blog prompts as it is a nice “light” post and a distraction from the real world which at this moment seems flipping scary. So here is my take on violet to add into the mix that Terry over at runs in her “spare time” amongst moving into a new house! I love that I have found this blogging community and appreciate the challenges as well as the encouragement received.

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Posted in celebrations, family, pandemic, rural life, Self Care

A ray of sunshine

I rarely plan my posts ahead of time. They just appear, as if by magic, into my head. The thoughts are usually in one theme and headed in a straight forward direction. Rarely are they philosophical or “flowy” in how they tie together a concept and the reality of daily living. Perhaps today I can manage that so I am going to interrupt Charlotte  (once again).

Continue reading “A ray of sunshine”