Posted in Canada 150, pandemic, photography, Travel

#SundayStills at home but away…

Getting on board again (pun intended) with this week’s blogging challenge which is about our favourite vacation spots.

Now that started the question in my head about a vacation. In fact I even looked up definitions for vacations, holidays and trips but this is how it works in my head. One takes holidays from their job but doesn’t necessarily go anywhere. One takes a trip and embraces the scads of things to see and do in their new location. One takes a vacation to relax. Not sure this meshes with the rest of the world but it works for me.

This is a quick photo synapse of many of our favourite trips and photos. A bike trip in Portugal; what a way to really see the country. A custom Canadian bus tour of First World War sites in France, England and Belgium was intense but so important. England; the land of our ancestors and where we still have family and friends. The starting or ending point of every Europe trip. Scotland which stole my heart both times we spent time exploring there. I didn’t have easy access so no photos of Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Switzerland or my favourite Liechtenstein. While some of these trips were before I started blogging many of them are captured with words and images on the blog. I have a Scotland & England 2019 trip series as well as The Emerald Isle and many about The Steps from our Past which is about my English heritage. I feel like there should be some about both the Czech Republic and Portugal bike trips but could not seem to find them. I guess that’s what happens when you have been blogging for a long time and didn’t use tags at the start so you could find posts.

Scotland, England, France, Portugal, Belgium and USA

We’ve also enjoyed some fabulous trips in Canada but we have so much left to see in our own country. Covid cancelled our Yukon adventures but perhaps next year? I have in the pictures captured from the Atlantic to the Pacific and points in between. The wide open spaces of my beloved prairies, the pristine beauty of the mountains and lakes with icebergs, red chairs and goats scattered along the way. I have blogged a lot of these trips, especially the ones that occurred during the Canada 150 Series . This page is dedicated to that entire year with guest blogs and so many photos!

Newfoundland, BC. Alberta and Saskatchewan.
While we have been to more provinces than that the photos weren’t cooperating.

We have been in the past super fond of our warm winter vacation where we do go on a plane down south to our favourite Paradise. It came about from the Best Barter Ever that I have done!

In Canada our favourite winter vacation is to go to the mountains and go skiing. I have done endless posts such as this one called Powder Day or Pick your adventure or Mountain Time. No blog post that talks about vacation, for me, would be complete without a ski picture!

Fernie Wilderness Adventure Backcountry Skiing!

But closer to home our most relaxing true vacation that we take, hands down, is our week camping at the lake. Wide open skies, a huge (but cold) lake, tired dogs, food cooked on an open fire (if there is no fire ban) and loads of time to read, relax, play cards and sleep in late. Ice cream at the store, bike rides and beach afternoons with family and friends. That’s a vacation even if it is always a rush to to the garden ready for a week’s away and to pack the camper. We always come home feeling refreshed which is not always the same after a trip across a big country or flying somewhere.

So that wraps up my take on vacations, holidays and trips. They are all pretty darn special no matter what you call them and worth the time and energy they take. So, someday, when it is safe again, we will be back on the road & planes outside of our own province and pick up where we left off. Till then this was a look back at a lot of great memories even if the photos didn’t always cooperate. Thanks again to Terri @ http://Sunday Stills: Favorite #Vacation Spot for hosting another great challenge.

Happy trails.



I have had a love of the written word for my entire life. It's no surprise that eventually I found a platform where I could write. It's random; sometimes funny, occasionally sad, maybe even at times from anger and I lean towards creative photography and hands on crafts. I have a few blogs that high light these interests.

17 thoughts on “#SundayStills at home but away…

  1. Love your vacation spots. There are several areas in Canada I’d love to visit. I live in Washington State so we are nearer the BC border.


    1. Thanks Kirstin for reading through and looking at my fav vacation spots. I must say Beautiful British Columbia lives up to it’s hype! You can’t go wrong there for sure but there is of course more to Canada than one province (but just don’t tell the BC people as they won’t believe you!). Thanks for stopping in. Bernie


    1. Thanks Emma. I love blue skies and wide open spaces. I lived in Vancouver for a couple of years and between the constant rain and the mountains I wasn’t really a happy camper. Love Scotland and England. There is a lot of the world still to see but our roots are there and we are drawn back. Thanks for stopping by. Take care. Bernie


  2. Great vacation memories and photos, Bernie. I just returned home from a 3-night Island camping adventure (Tofino). I completely agree about coming home refreshed (well, at least after showering). And lying in my own bed feels extra luxurious. I know that I will sleep VERY well tonight! 😀


    1. Ah Tofino – the last time I camped there it was like I camped inside the shower – never quit raining for 5 days straight. Some memories don’t dim with time!! Sounds like you had better weather than us. Thanks for stopping in to read and comment on the Sunday Still post.


  3. Great post and wonderful photos, Bernie. I particularly enjoyed your photos from Scotland. The Forth Bridge and Victoria Street – both such iconic places worth seeing 🙂 Aiva


    1. I wanted to include some photos from Ireland and Europe but they were too far back so Scotland got to be the star of the show. Thanks for stopping in Aiva and for commenting. It’s nice to have readers who connect with the content I write. Bernie

      Liked by 1 person

  4. So many cool vacation spots. You’ve seen a lot of the world. I had to laugh when you used the word ‘relaxing’ in the same sentence as ‘camping at the lake.’ I am not a camping person, so when I relax on vacation there has to be room service involved.


    1. Ah – well I camp from a trailer and not a tent anymore so to me that is like a 5 star hotel. And it’s so relaxing – really! We’ve seen a bit of the world but not near enough! Although I think a lot of people feel that way. Thanks for your time to read and comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Lovely post, Bernie! I enjoyed seeing the photos of your vacation spots. I’ve booked next year’s winter get-away in Barbados…a bit of a leap of faith at this point, but I feel safe to say it will be allowed by our government to travel (mostly) freely by then.


    1. Thanks Deb. Those are good memories. As to upcoming trips time will tell. Those Caribbean Islands did ok with original numbers and if everyone gets vaccinated… Maybe it will be good.

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  6. Your amazing galleries demonstrate how time spent away from obligations in leisure and travel is important for our souls, BernieLynne. It was nice to read about your stay cations as well, since these got us through the pandemic. I can’t wait to step foot in Scotland and Ireland some day myself!


    1. The galleries, as you know Terri, take a bit of work to pull together but it’s fun to pick photos to round out the stories. The local camping trip is a usual and not just because of Covid. Ah Ireland and Scotland – they just draw you back! 3 weeks in Scotland and we feel like we hardly scratched the surface! Thanks for the host and the nice comment.

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  7. It is funny to see how each person’s definition of vacation changes as they mature. When we were young, it was all about the excitement of getting away from home or work (especially work). Now it is all about the experiences and visits we share with others. We have so many people and places to see once this is all over??? Hope health and tuime permit. Stay well Bernie. Allan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it’s always health, time and resources that make the final calls on the long list of vacation hopeful spots. We still cram too much in most days but we’ve learnt to stop for an afternoon beer and that helps! Thanks for reading and engaging. For us vacations still matter as it’s about the only time we aren’t busy with projects – seems like you are much the same way. Take care Allan.

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