Posted in celebrations, photography, Reconciliation

#SundayStills Summer Solstice 21

It’s long been “my thing” and I am teaching my grandchildren to stop and appreciate the sunsets as well.

I could add easily a hundred pictures of sunsets. Not so many of sunrises as in summer they happen way way too early for me to capture them! In the winter yes but not near the summer solstice! Sunsets happen so late in the evening then that it’s a lovely way to cap off the day.

I love freshly laundered sheets & a breeze in the window

I love sunrise, sunset, the SUN, the moon & the stars

I love puppies & kitties and walking in the snow

I truly deeply love the man of my dreams, my soul mate

I love biking down a new road & skiing in the powder

I love babies, toddlers, cuddles & daily hugs

I love ice cold beer & still warm chocolate chip cookies

I truly deeply love my soul sisters & am blessed with so many

I love colors and textures & creating with fabric, paper or wood

I love the crunch of leaves & the hot dry wind of summer

I truly deeply love my children even with the challenges

I love entertaining & old houses & interesting countries

I love photo albums, a good book & quality alone time

I love real mail, garden peas, bonfires & chocolate

I truly deeply love myself & where I am right now

I love writing letters, blogs, journal thoughts & poetry

I love that professionally I help someone in need

I love that I’ve been so blessed in this life

Our plan for June of 2020 was to be in the Yukon in the land of the midnight sun. It has long been a dream of mine to spend the solstice there where today the sun rises at 0347 and sets at 0051. Isn’t that so cool!! The brief three hours were the sun isn’t up is certainly filled with “civil twilight” (a new to me phrase) as even here it’s not every really dark dark. The light glows from the north west till about 0130 and then moves to the north east by 0230. That’s the benefit of having bouts of insomnia I guess!

I’m working on a couple of other posts that aren’t flowing well. So that made this fun to pull together.

But then it hits me. It’s summer solstice, Father’s Day and National Indigenous Day as well. Just like last year when I wrote about Trifecta Day. In it I felt I failed to do justice to the last of items above. Now this year I’ve once again failed to make a meaningful contribution to recognizing this day.

I have earmarked some time to chat with a Metis friend and find out her family story. I’ve known her for 45 years and never asked.  I texted a friend who is, just now at 63, exploring her indigenous background. Finding aunts and uncles and cousins that she had ZERO clue that they existed. I told her I admire her bravery in finding out the difficult silent past of her family. I continue to listen to podcasts as time permits. I’ve read a couple of novels instead of reading the TRC report but seems I read to settle the insomnia I am not certain that material would work. I recall three years ago that some of it is quite raw and difficult to read and absorb that this happened in my Canada.

There is no easy fix for these issues and the most repeated phase is that we must listen and learn. For there to be reconciliation there must first be recognition of what has transpired and I continue to seek to enlighten myself. That’s the take away.

So now this year I have failed to address Father’s Day as well as it seems to be a silent Sunday here on that front. I made a nice breakfast and supper plus brownie peanut butter pie. That’s, sadly, about as exciting as this occasion became. I had hoped for a family supper but that was not in the cards.

Both of those factors could make today feel like a wash. I’m working on finding the silver lining and seeing it from the bigger picture. I will certainly take a moment to appreciate the view.

2300 (11pm) No filters & no edits

Minutes ago, as I was finishing up the post, I heard on the news it is National Indigenous Day tomorrow. I wondered when I wrote above that it was just like last year how the heck that happened. Anyway, I am going to let the post stand as is.


PS once again #Sundaystills blog prompt of “solstice” has been hosted by Terri over at http://Second Wind Leisure Perspectives


I have had a love of the written word for my entire life. It's no surprise that eventually I found a platform where I could write. It's random; sometimes funny, occasionally sad, maybe even at times from anger and I lean towards creative photography and hands on crafts. I have a few blogs that high light these interests.

13 thoughts on “#SundayStills Summer Solstice 21

    1. Thanks Kirstin. I feel like sunrise and sunset rather lend themselves to amazing photos. The text was a bit more of a struggle to nail down. As you said much to ponder and still is a week later. Thanks for stopping by and engaging here with me.


    1. Isn’t it interesting to see how the prompt rolls as people unfold how it impacts them. I often thought that is what teachers get to see every day with students – such a variety of perspectives. As to learning about me – it’s poetry from the heart for certain. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. It’s great this blogging connection now that I’ve found it!!


  1. I love how you capture the essense of summer in this post, BernieLynne! I love a good trifecta of events even if Nat’l Indigenous Day was a few hours off–close enough! Our Father’s Day was quiet with a quick lunch at a German restaurant, just the way we wanted it this year! Well, you win the award for midnight sun! How fascinating to enjoy no darkness, I guess that is something to get used to! And of course, fabulous photos. Always glad to see you here on Sunday Stills!


    1. Thanks Terri for the compliments and the challenge. It’s super good to keep my brain thinking and to focus on the positives for sure. I kind of felt like it “came together” but I think sometimes I put too much emphasis on it all having to be perfectly “aligned” so to speak. I guess that is my social conscious inside my head.
      I adore the late evening twilight that goes on and on! So excited for our trip to the Yukon next year! Thanks for dropping in. Take care. Bernie

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jane. I did, late last night, think of a white privilege post I should have done but it was late and I had to work today but perhaps I will write it up one of these days. Thanks for stopping by and continuing to read and respond.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Such a wonderful collection of colourful photos 🙂 The Summer solstice is almost upon us, reminding us to celebrate the nourishing light of the Sun and the light within each of us. Thanks for sharing and have a nice day 🙂 Aiva xxx


    1. Aiva, I always take a moment to celebrate the light as the sun sets. I just love how in June that’s so late. Less thrilled in Dec when it sets at 5. Thanks for enjoying the photos and for stopping in to comment. Enjoy your summer.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Gosh I read that post with silent nods and agreement a number of times. The Father’s Day one resonated. It happens less and less these days for us, and in Australia we celebrate Father’s Day in Sept, but Mother’s Day in May, that our grown kids “ignore” it..or is it that they feel, as I sometimes did…when my mum was alive…”obligated to do something”. It’s a topic I have to let go (aged 71) as it is different now. But I heard you. And I send you my best wishes too. Denyse #sundaystills


    1. Denyse, it wasn’t planned that way for Father’s Day but then when it all fell apart neither child sent their dad a text or called him. I am still disappointed in their lack of actions towards a man who is so good to them. And letting go is something that I struggle with but I am working on it. Thanks for reading and the supportive comment. Take care. Bernie

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