Posted in photography, rural life

Degrees of Dilapidation

This week’s Sundaystills challenge is right up my alley, so to speak. If I had an alley and not a lane way.

Different degrees 
Stages dilapidation
Just change your mindset

Each image below depicts some sort of dilapidation. Here’s the thought though that percolates through my life. What can we do with those items that fall into disrepair or ruin? How we reuse them or give them new life in their old state. Man this post so speaks to me! It’s not just that I am frugal but that I think all resources need to be evaluated. Perhaps it’s easier to just click a button and buy a new “whatever” but is it the right decision?

Old trim from a dilapidated house was restored and became trim at our house. Those blue jeans became a beach blanket. The baby blankets are lovingly used even with their rips. That decrepited thumb gets “rejuvenated” every few months with a steroid injection. It is, after all, the only one I have. That old section of fence is one of my favourite spots to take photos but alas the cows have knocked it over again. The stone house (oh how I wish), the church and the two barns who knows what will happen to them. But there is a way to at least reuse the timber but more people need to get on board with deconstruction versus just demolishing it all. Check out “The Unbuilders” out of the GVRD area. Here on the prairies we have Prairie Barn Timber. Whoops. Jumped onto my sandbox and preached a little about why dilapidated doesn’t need to mean discarded.

I mean look at our house. This is what it looked like when we bought it. The farmer who had just bought the land was going to bulldoze it but instead sold it to us. The inside looked as dilapidated and dirty as the outside.

1918 Eaton’s Eager pre move

Lots of elbow grease, carpentry, masonry work, hours and hours of painting and look at it now. If you are interested you can check out the journey over at The 1918 Eaton’sEager blog

What hard work and imagination can do with old dilapidated items!

So that’s my take on dilapidated. What’s your favourite photo here that shows it best? Or share one below in the comments.



I have had a love of the written word for my entire life. It's no surprise that eventually I found a platform where I could write. It's random; sometimes funny, occasionally sad, maybe even at times from anger and I lean towards creative photography and hands on crafts. I have a few blogs that high light these interests.

17 thoughts on “Degrees of Dilapidation

  1. I love the fact that those old jeans became beach blankets…turning a “Dilapidated” something into a vibrant, usable something is one of life’s best pleasures!


    1. Indeed Pam. And that blanket gets a lot of use for picnics and the beach. Had to add extra pockets as both grandkids “needed” one! It’s a great use for left over blue jeans. I’ve also used them in a quilt or two but they are heavy. Bernie

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m with you — all those stories. Only a select few seem to get saved and written about Ally. It’s been a tremendous journey we’ve undertaken that’s for sure. Bernie

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely captures to depict different types and stages of dilapidation. You’ve done such an amazing job of restoring your old house. There’s something special and very rewarding about that kind of work and transforming “trash” into something of beauty and value.


  3. Bernie, these were great and I love your thought on reusing, remaking, etc things that are falling apart…I agree. I am totally going to check out the link to the house restoration…how gorgeous and that stone house….beautiful.


    1. Thanks Kirstin for the compliment about the photos and the direction I went with dilapidated. The link could take up a cold wet afternoon or two or ten! It’s been a long journey. I wish I could restore that old stone house. Bernie ps will try on the computer but my phone hates your site!


  4. We are too quick to replace, rather than refurbish or repair. You guys showed what life an old house still has left in it. Happy Monday Bernie. Allan


  5. Your re-use and re-purpose mentality is so useful and helps ground us to the past, Bernie. How cool you could use other wood for Eaton’s Eager. It does take a lot of energy and time to restore and re-purpose, but it is obvious anything man-made can be done so. Lovely images of the barns in a sad sort of lonely way. If left, nature will disintegrate anything in a shorter time than we think.


    1. I’ve been traveling the same road to my home town for 40 years and the barns that were dilapidated then are just more so now. Signs of the 1930’s dustbowl abandoned yards are still easy to find. Thanks again for hosting. Bernie

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Donna. I feel like even just using those old radiators and the bike in my “something old” garden is a choice that keeps them from the landfill. Thanks for stopping by. Bernie


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