Posted in family, Food, pandemic, Projects, writing

Friday’s Finest

Pizza night usually equals Friday night family & friends time. The kitchen is full of noise, toppings and hands reaching for this and that. The beer flows and, if we are lucky, supper is eaten on the patio.

That kind of night seems like a very old memory. I know, I know, it’s only been 14 months. Life will resume but it won’t be this summer. So I decided I needed to lighten my mood and post something that isn’t introspect and morose depressing grumpy. It falls in line with a new fun blogging challenge called “what’s on your plate”. No categories and no real rules; just bloggers connecting during this eat alone at home time.

We’ve  been doing  this for more than a dozen years so pretty sure I have written about Frifay night pizza before but for once I am feeling too laid back to have the perfect linked post.

I am including a video link to the dough recipe. Canadian and award winning plus it freezes well. So if you are in need of a great pizza dough try out this Moosehesd beer pizza dough.

Now to just master adding my link to my hosts Deb @THE WIDOW BADASS BLOG and Donna @ Retirement Reflections and bingo. A blog post that didn’t wring me out or sit in the draft file wearing me down. Just the bit of fun I needed on a Friday night.



I have had a love of the written word for my entire life. It's no surprise that eventually I found a platform where I could write. It's random; sometimes funny, occasionally sad, maybe even at times from anger and I lean towards creative photography and hands on crafts. I have a few blogs that high light these interests.

8 thoughts on “Friday’s Finest

    1. It’s so good and very easy. Once you start making your own pizza dough and putting on your toppings of choice boughten pizza becomes just ok. Thanks for stopping by and engaging here. It’s nice to have virtual visitors!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi, Bernie – You had me at the Moosehead Beer. I am definitely making this pizza dough!
    When our sons were growing up, Friday night was always Pizza Night. Now our Grandchildren tell us the same thing – Friday = Pizza. It’s amazing how universal this seems to be! 😀
    Thank you for joining Whats On Your Plate. Deb and I greatly appreciate this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It always seems hectic when we have the family and are making 6 or 8 pizzas. Tonight it just seemed quiet hence the fact I challenged myself to do a fun post.


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