Posted in Canada remembers, celebrations, family, fitness, grandchildren, health, Reconciliation, Self Care, Travel

ABC’s of 1/2 of ’24

I decided that for the halfway point of the year, I would do a taking stock post for the #What’sbeenonyourcalendar prompt. A relatively quick and easy way to recap the month as long as I don’t forget any letters like last time. 😏

ADORABLE as in my 3 grandchildren. They are the delight of my life. And again, I don’t take that for granted; either the physical distance or the offering of time with them. Next month, the older kids and I are breaking little J out of daycare, so we can go do summer stuff together.  I do have his parents’ blessings for this.

BLOGGING, of which there was lots of in June and won’t be much of in July! I posted once on the house blog and twice on the camper and camping blog. Then, over at 3six5snap, I posted 11 times. The media storage is almost full on that (once it was daily) blog and a thanks to Allan for his advice on how to carry over to a new one. Then, here I have blogged so many times (15!) that I fear I have overstretched my welcome in email boxes. So thanks again for following along on our trip and in my life meanderings.

CATASTROPHIC world events. There is just so much. There is so much war, so much death and despair. I sign the petitions that my politically active friend sends along, but it feels like so little. There is so much political unrest in SO many countries. Plus, the ongoing work of Truth and Reconciliation here in Canada. How easy it is to forget about the unmarked graves and the intergenerational trauma that marks residential school survivors and their offspring. The drug addiction crisis that is ginormous and has such an impact on the individuals, their families, and communities. Sadly, the list feels endless.

DINING OUT, which is unusual for us, occurred a lot on our trip. We occasionally had a kitchen, and then we could have something simple. But a few nights we ate out. But tonight, it was DINING IN as in an “end of school party” hosted unsuspectingly by us! A wonderful noisy family supper topped off by ice cream cake. Usually, the children serve dessert with the oldedt person being served first, but today, they got served first!

EXPANSIVE views in the Yukon. The sweeping vistas. The lakes and that broad fast moving river. It’s so quiet, and while it all feels remote, it doesn’t feel disconnected because it’s so peaceful. The endless blue skies and SUNSHINE 🌞.

FRANCE, with a jaunt in England on the way, for a bike trip in October. We are doing one in Provence rather than Normandy as some friends invited us to join their group. Need it to stop raining so I can start biking and get fit! Also, I need to do some research as this isn’t an area that I am familiar with.

GRATITUDE on so many levels. I still practice this nightly as I lay my head down; 3 items that highlighted my day.

HAPPY because JUNE brings all the sunshine hours and I adore that. And to be north, like really really north, to see the summer solstice was just so fantastic.

INDIGENOUS DAY (National) was on June 21st, and in Dawson City, it was marked by an afternoon event at the Dänojà Zho Cultural Centre. I really do regret that the flat tire kept us from returning in time to experience this. Their celebration puts emphasis on their own day and recognizes that some indigenous peoples don’t celebrate Canada Day. Which we must respect as those who expropriated their land.

JUNE because it makes me HAPPY to see all the sunlight hours! And I refuse to believe they are getting shorter and I don’t want to think about that till mid September.

KAYAK has finally been sold. In fact I have managed to clean up a load of stuff this spring and move it along to new homes. This was the biggest sport item. The only remaining things are a few antiques that need a new home. I feel quite pleased that I kept plugging away at Marketplace and got these items new homes. Although the kayak went to our landscaping buddy’s work mate who we know.

LILIAC season lasted all month! It’s one of my spring favorites. I saw it in May while in British Columbia, and then things were so cool here that they had just started blooming as we were leaving, and they were blooming up in the Yukon. I came home to some still blooming. That smell..

MULCH and then more mulch. Ron picked up a load and I redid the house flower beds and the circular garden. I weeded as I went but compared to pre mulch the weeds are down 75%. So I take that as a win. I love the look of the fresh mulch. I just wish I could get the cats to quit using it as a litter box. Gr…

NUMBER 1 fan of soccer continues with Ron’s two teams, but this year, I added in watched Annabelle (-7) and Colton (-5) play. What a hoot, especially the littlest ones. Annabelle’s team, made of mostly girls from her grade 1 class and the hockey team, seemed to “get it” and had some good intentions. Lots of games canceled due to rain, which is how that goes but still a lot of games and a tournament.

ORGANIZE as in the entire creative attic space. I sorted and culled and cleaned. It felt good. I also got a handle on the garage attic as I weeded through items. There is always more to do, but it feels good to have started that daunting task.

PIZZA in June featured fresh asparagus from the garden, onion, and Boursin cheese. So good! The other pizza news is that the pizza oven has arrived in Canada from Australia and will soon be making its way here. The Carpenter is still busy making garden boxes and isn’t really to become a Stone Mason just yet.

QUILTING has mostly been finished for the season but man I have struggled with the label for the memory quilt. This means it has not been gifted yet and remains on the to do list. Fingers crossed that this last printing does not fade or I will be looking at ….? I do love how the entire quilt turned out.

RIVER walk with a friend visiting in from out of town and then lunch. It was great to catch up in person. We text and call, but hanging out together is the best. need to do this soon with someone else who won’t be back “home” for long as her work means she is a rolling stone.

SUSTAINING some of my fitness level but not near as much as I would wish. I struggled with a thoracic region injury and dropped my weight program for 3 weeks. It is SO time to get back into it on Monday. I have biked some and ran a tiny bit so I guess that is something. And we hiked loads while up north.

TAKING CARE of others always plays a role in my life and this month it was sitting with a friend after surgery, taking a baby quilt and some food to Auzzie Nick and family and checking in with a friend and a new cancer diagnosis. But taking care of oneself (is that a word?) is also extremely important; mentally and physically. I am so glad I finally managed, with lots of professional help, to get this thoracic injury under control. I was getting so tired of the numb arm.

UNDER the midnight sun! If I ever disappear in June, you know where to look for me. Dawson City or maybe next time Tuktoyaktuk or Inuvik in the North West Territories where it never sets!

VOLUME of my hair became just unmanageable, and it is now GONE. I lasted almost 2 years with it getting longer and curlier, and then it was just too much. It’s now summer short!

WASKESIU camping was a great weekend. I hope we can make an annual family trip together even if this isn’t always the destination. The weather was cool, but we are “tough cookies,” as Annabelle is fond of saying. It was warm enough for ice cream!

XTRA Yukon pictures… sneaky eh? Both with the X word cheat and how I kept finding letters that worked for more pictures from up north!

YUKON, I mean, what else can I say? Expect that it is Larger than Life and so amazing. I could have posted so many more photos, but I do have to practice some restraint!

ZENIAL: Friendly and hospitable. Xenodochial: Hospitable to strangers. Yes, I cheated and looked up a word, and this one struck me as the Yukoner’s have this down pat. People are just very friendly up there.


ZZZZ would definitely have to pertain to the lack of sleep this month has hearlded. I believe it is time to resume acupuncture for at least 3 appointments. I started this post in the middle of the third night in a row. Travel definitely has that impact.

And that’s a wrap. I am sure there are loads of typos, but I am hitting publish. Not everything needs to be perfect, although letting go is not my strong suit.



I have had a love of the written word for my entire life. It's no surprise that eventually I found a platform where I could write. It's random; sometimes funny, occasionally sad, maybe even at times from anger and I lean towards creative photography and hands on crafts. I have a few blogs that high light these interests.

7 thoughts on “ABC’s of 1/2 of ’24

  1. Loved reading this Bernie! I see a number of similarities in our countries for indigenous people & history. What a fun family time it’s been! Long may Summer continue! Denyse


  2. This is such a wonderful post, Bernie and a fantastic reminder that once we take the time to reflect, there are so many blessings we have in our lives that we sometimes take for granted. Writing posts like these gives us a chance to renew our faith that everything happens in the right way at the right time. Thanks for sharing, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx


  3. This was a great recap of your month Bernie, you’ve done so much and your Yukon trip looks amazing! My favourite is A for Adorable grandchildren, they most certainly are 🙂

    Thanks for joining is for #WBOYC


  4. Such a great review! I always think that I haven’t been doing much until I stop to think about it. You must be looking forward to France. Provence is so gorgeous and the rosé wines are wonderful.


  5. Your pics from the Yukon looked incredible, but one thing really grabbed my attention – lilacs. We don’t get them but I adore them. Thanks for linking up … oh, and Provence … I’m looking forward to reading about that!


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