Posted in grandchildren, photography

Not a game, #Sundaystills

I picked up an idea based on an interesting exercise that Big A’s grade one teacher had the class do.

It’s called “need or want,” and it’s an exercise in helping children understand what is truly required for life and what is extra. Reading their responses showed that they actually grasped the concept.

On our way to swim lessons, Little Man C asked if I had my money. He wanted me to go buy him his latest wish list item from the long list of Thomas sets he “needs.” So, I decided that this exercise would be appropriate for Little Man C and his case of the Gimmies for all things Thomas the Train.

Interestingly enough, it ties into this week’s Sundaystills theme of waterscapes. It might seem like a stretch, but waterscapes are only charming or beautiful if you are safe in them.

Nan to both children. “Do you need or want food?” Appropriately answered with need. “Do you need or want air?” Big A knew that one. “Do you need or want swim lessons,” to which they replied want. And I corrected their assumption with the fact that they need them. Knowing how to swim could save their lives (as well as provide exercise and enjoyment). The final question was, of course, “Do you need or want Thomas the Train toys?” His response, after a hesitation, “I really needed that set, but I guess it’s that I really really want it”. To which Big A replied, “Dad shouldn’t have bought you that toy that Cabella’s. You can’t always get what you want.” Out of the mouths of babies, hey!

Outdoor lessons Summer of ’23

Which concludes my Sundaystills. A bit outside of the usual waterscapes, but none the less very important. 

Well, okay, I will throw in a couple of actual waterscapes.  It’s hard to resist sharing these beauties. 

South Saskatchewan River, Summer of ’23
Blackstrap Lake Sunset Sept ’23
Jackfish Lake Sunset August ’23
Pelicans @ Diefenbaker Lake August ’23


Ps. I’ve been busy over at with daily square posts with a monthly May theme. Lots of Square photos to check out.


I have had a love of the written word for my entire life. It's no surprise that eventually I found a platform where I could write. It's random; sometimes funny, occasionally sad, maybe even at times from anger and I lean towards creative photography and hands on crafts. I have a few blogs that high light these interests.

23 thoughts on “Not a game, #Sundaystills

    1. It’s funny how it worked into Terri’s theme but wasn’t planned. But then I had to add some archived water shots. Thanks for stopping in, late or not. Bernie


  1. Ah, the good old “needs vs wants” exercise. I initially thought  that learning to swim was a want, but that’s a good point you raise about how it could save lives. Beautiful shots of the waterscapes. There’s always something so soothing about being by the water.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry for the late reply. Somehow, I missed replying when I hit approve. Yes, learning to swim is a need I believe. So many people around the world drown every year. It’s sad. So if one plans on being near water and has the means they should learn how to swim.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Excellent lesson, easily understandable. Not being familiar with all things Thomas the Train, I’m guessing it’s an endless shopping opportunity for those who are hooked.


    1. Oh gosh Ally – each purchased item comes complete with a little booklet of all the options available. He has circled ALL of them as his must have items. But I hope the lesson helped. Thanks for stopping in – I know you are in blogland less in the summer so I am pleased to hear from you. Bernie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh I’m around blogland, posting to my blog ever other week instead of weekly. That’s my annual summer schedule. It gives me a chance to write less, keep up with others more.


    1. Ah I am so glad it brought the gift of smiles and beauty. Yes in dark times we need to see that there is indeed a light in the world. Bernie


  3. This is exactly the type of creativity I like to foster in Sunday Stills, Bernie. Anything to do with water is the subject and sharing this story about thoughts from your grands is perfect. Waterscapes are beautiful but understanding the potential danger of water is gold! Your grands have learned a life lesson and they will inevitably pass this value on to their own kids someday. Our work here is done…for now.

    and, yes, gorgeous waterscapes, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well I could not end without adding in a few archive landscapes that speaks to the beauty of my area of the world. I do hope they understand why it is so important to learn to swim. I am glad that my creative take on the theme worked. It was definitely kind of serendipitous as I had not even looked ahead at the theme for the month. Thanks for hosting. Bernie

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    1. I love to swim and want to foster that love of the water in them. Somehow i missed the mark with our daughter – she swims but not for love of the water. Thanks for stopping in. Bernie

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Needs and wants is how we all need to break down our purchases. It is good to tech them this distinction when they are young. Looks like your lesson bore fruit Bernie. Happy Monday. Allan


    1. Yes it is a good lesson for sure. I am definitely not convinced that the 5 year old gets it yet but he will at some point. In the meantime working on the learning to swim and to appreciate the beauty around us. Enjoy the long weekend Monday. Bernie

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