Posted in Travel

Final Edition – departure from the land of the midnight sun

As Geoffrey Chaucer said, way back in 1374, “everything comes to an end,” and alas, it is true. But we depart home with fabulous memories of our time in the Yukon.

It sounds cliche, but really, there just aren’t enough superlative adjectives to describe the landscape of the Yukon. There is such natural, unspoilt beauty. It’s remote and quiet and spacious.

The various tribes of the Indigenous have lived peacefully in this area for thousands of years. They helped the prospectors adjust to this rugged way of life.

The Canadians who live there now have got the Yukon fever, but not for gold. They go for the vistas and stay because they fall in love with the lifestyle and the setting. Again and again, we talked to those who had been there 2 or 7 or 12 or 22 years. We actually met a couple of Dawson City born and breed and still in the Yukon decades later. They have never thought about leaving.

Yes, it’s hard to find a place to live, and groceries are expensive. But if it gets into your blood it’s just like gold dust!

We are home now, later than planned as we had one delayed flight. The collage above a medley of our last day. The sky at 0430 and then again after breakfast as we enjoyed our last few Yukon moments before travel called. One of the two bears we saw today.*  The brilliant sun as we came into Whitehorse and again as we walked across the tarmack. The patchwork of green fields as we landed in Saskatoon and then the sunset at 9:20 as our wonderful free “Uber” driver (aka my cousin Helen!) dropped us at our vehicle.

And now, back to life as usual at home. Time to reconnect with our children and grandchildren. Do laundry and get back to the garden. All that sort of stuff but we will carry these amazing memories with us.

Thanks for following along. It’s nice to know that my daily posting found a willing audience.


* A post about the wildlife we encountered will be along in the next few days.


I have had a love of the written word for my entire life. It's no surprise that eventually I found a platform where I could write. It's random; sometimes funny, occasionally sad, maybe even at times from anger and I lean towards creative photography and hands on crafts. I have a few blogs that high light these interests.

13 thoughts on “Final Edition – departure from the land of the midnight sun

    1. It is indeed that beautiful and likely little changed from your time 30 years ago. I think it’s worth a second visit but Canada is so vast and we are still trying to complete every province and territory together. Bernie


      1. We are slowly making our way through them. Our yearly plan includes a new to us Sask, Canada and the world. Your Canada list is impressive.


      2. Thanks! Even though I have officially been to all of Canada’s provinces and territories (except Nunavut) there is still so much of Canada that I want to see. And there are so many small islands surrounding me that I keep meaning to explore. I have made that a goal for this summer!


  1. I can definitely see the appeal of living in the Yukon. The scenery is stunning and it seems like they have a great sense of community, especially in Dawson City. I imagine the winters are real tough though. Glad to hear you made it home safely.


      1. It was quite lovely when we were there at the end of August and beginning of September. I would love to go back to the Yukon at some point. We’re actually thinking of maybe going to the NWT or Alaska for a few weeks next summer.


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