Posted in Random ramblings

20 Minutes Time

What if you had just 20 minutes to disassemble your life?

The conversation stayed with me, and I felt the stirrings of a post. That when, distilled down, this could be a powerful lesson.

The scenario changes depending on what factors are at play. Around the entire world, wild fire is probably the number one threat, but there are also floods, drought, extreme heat, and extreme weather to deal with. While in some countries, it’s war. Sadly, in too many countries, that’s the case.

West Kelowna May 24

But the gist of this post boils down to this. Given 20 minutes of time to evacuate your dwelling, what goes with you?

And ironically enough, after deciding this was a good post concept, I found out this is Emergency Preparedness Week. Here is a good site for info to review.

So yes, there is the practical list of passports, prescription medications, and toiletries.  Definitely chargers and laptops, a flashlight, and basic clothing. And cash, it says. Jez, something I rarely ever have and perhaps should put some aside.

So that took 10 minutes to pull the above items together.  What else makes the list? Which sentimental item is precious enough to grab? How many do you have time to grab and space to instantly store in your vehicle?  

Every last person’s list would be different. Difficult choices would have to be made. This “exercise” or real-life experience would certainly crystallize that much of what we have is not essential. That our consumerism and consumption does not enrich our lives so much that it leaves the house when we do.

My list would include my wedding rings (which I rarely wear), the photo albums, negative books, and travel scrapbooks. I would also grab my Nanna’s table cloth, my children’s baby books, and the family history photos.  And by now, my 10 minutes is up, so the artwork and quilts likely won’t get grabbed.

We aren’t like turtles and don’t carry our houses with us, so choices have to be made. What’s on your list? Any thoughts from those who have lived through this sort of event?

Mission Creek Park, Kelowna May 24


PS I have thought plenty of how war tears people from their homes and obliterates the buildings. Further strife reduces their belongings, and suddenly, they are clinging to life. We see the edges of this life on news reports and reading a book like The Beekeeper of Aleppo gives insight. But the reality is beyond my comprehension. As the war in the Ukraine drags into year 2 and the genocide in Gaza one can’t help but think about the PTSD of being bombed out of your house and home. Of losing your connection to stability and to a life that doesn’t revolve around the fight for actual life.


I have had a love of the written word for my entire life. It's no surprise that eventually I found a platform where I could write. It's random; sometimes funny, occasionally sad, maybe even at times from anger and I lean towards creative photography and hands on crafts. I have a few blogs that high light these interests.

28 thoughts on “20 Minutes Time

  1. I’ve never thought to put together a disaster supplies kit, but it’s not a bad idea to think about. I would probably just grab my camping bin and throw in a few extra things like our passports, laptops, hard drives, and a few small things of sentimental value. It’s funny because we don’t wear our wedding bands either. I find my fingers often swell a bit while hiking and I kept having to take mine off and would often misplace it.


  2. Like Anonymous, all the essentials, and make sure my husband renews his passport too,. , but the current essential grab is the family history, about fifty pages, handwritten, arrived here decades ago then must have vanished. A roll of paper apopears) In December 2015, our nearest town was hit by a devastating flood, and is still trying to recover, For months, and in some cases , two years, some houses uninhabitable, Every street lined with skips, sodden precious teddies, swollen photo albums, ruined new clothes bought as must haves. Not us, but we used to live right in the worst area Extrapolate, world wide…


    1. Wow Esther the family history is indeed special and worth grabbing. I wonder if fire proof safes are water proof? That flood sounds devastating to all those involved. The same thing happened to my brother in law’s town a few years ago and they were out of there house for over a year. Many never did rebuild. Yes you are right about extrapolating it to world wide and then add in war and it’s a sad state that humans have created.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. We’ve never had anything prepared but this whole trip into fire country (the Okanagan) has given me food for thought. I totally understand why you have a kit prepared.

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  3. Excellent question that makes me sad to contemplate. We’ve been evacuated from our home due to an out of control chemical fire nearby, but that was for a night, not forever.  I followed your link and read the suggestions. The only thing I’d add to that list would be a bottle of hooch, bourbon maybe. 

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, now that’s a bloody good idea, Ally! After a stressful evacuation, a sip of Scotch (our preference drink) would be most welcome. I know just which bottle he would grab! I would think even for a night it would be stressful.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Top of my list is my family history research documents, especially my grandfather’s diaries and photographs, although given there are three shelves full of binders and boxes and books to carry out to the car/truck/trailer, my jewelry would just have to take its chances.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Perhaps stash the jewelry near the important binders so as to save steps. Definitely would not want to lose all that research and most certainly not the diaries. I was just gifted my paternal grandmother’s 5 year diary from 1948 to 1952. Such an amazing item.


  5. This definitely works for squares, and interesting is something I am thinking of a lot about at the moment. I am currently in temporary accommodation and following a huge house fire in the town on the night arrived, I have been thinking about what I would grab if I had to leave this accommodation quickly.

    Thanks for linking it to squares

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just found this in my spam folder — WP weirdness again. All your other comments have come in. Yes this is definitely something we all need to think about. Some locations with more frequency than others. House fires are scary stuff.
      Thanks for hosting. I am really enjoying having a theme and working it into my daily posts. Bernie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am sad to think that algorithms affect WP as I thought they were time lines and if you follow that person then you always receive their post in your reader but alas I know of posts that never show up. Bernie


  6. That really is a useful exercise, Bernie. It would probably take me 10 minutes just to round up all my meds and then the other 10 for the important docs and laptop. The most important of all would be to grab my husband!! 😏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have all those documents in one binder called “Just In Case” so that’s quick. Which leaves me a few extra minutes to grab those photos and keepsakes. I would assume my other half would be making his way towards the door but I GUESS I would go back if I had to🤔😏.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. A timely post Bernie. I think the best plan is to have a go bag ready and packed with a small list of other things that you should not leave around ready for other folks to grab. Jewelry, cash, passports and meds. I have my photos backed up on passport drives and would throw those and my computer in. God forbid we should ever need to vacate, but stranger things have happened. I am also going to videotape house and contents for insurance purposes. All stuff I have been putting off. Have a good evening. Allan

    Liked by 2 people

    1. A gentle nudge for you to resume the preparation task of the videos. Hmm..need to research what a passport drive is. I also need to do the cash item as it’s been proven that ATM’s and debit machines can go down. Thanks for stopping in

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Why is WP always tweaking? Now they have changed the Publish button to Save. You have to click save twice before it reads publish. As top those passport drives, Western Digital and Seagate make them. You can get a 4 Tb for around $144 and it is about the size of a passport, but a bit thicker. They fit nicer in a fire safe too. +25C here right now. Out on the back deck with an icy bevvie. Summer is here….

        Liked by 1 person

  8. I would def grab photo albums and some precious jewelry. I used to think I would grab my wedding dress…but who would want that??

    I would also grab some of the favorite things that my kids have made me.

    it’s funny how our perspectives change as we get older


    1. I don’t have much jewelry but would definitely grab my rings. Yes, I wondered specifically about the handprints of my children and footprints of my grandkids as those can’t be replicated. Do you keep a kit at the cabin?


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