Posted in celebrations, garden, grandchildren, photography, writing



Seemed short and sweet

with some cold and a bit of  heat


Melted into 10 (no 11) days away

left with a yard in disarray


Became soccer, sleepovers & biking 

and we even managed some hiking


Was full of daily photo SQUARES

where there were plenty of shares


Doing “short and sweet” for the #WBOYC as the end of May is busy getting ready for a summer of camping.

Magnificent meadows

Buffalo beans and 3 fingered avens May ’24

Awesome auroras

Yielding yard or, better yet, yahoo to you, my readers.

Asparagus harvest May ’24

I actually started this #whatsbeenonyourcalendar post ahead of time knowing that we were going camping at the end of the month and the dates corresponded to a work day and evening committements. So I wanted to keep it short and sweet, but the whole Y thing was HARD! I spent way too much time looking for y words!


I have had a love of the written word for my entire life. It's no surprise that eventually I found a platform where I could write. It's random; sometimes funny, occasionally sad, maybe even at times from anger and I lean towards creative photography and hands on crafts. I have a few blogs that high light these interests.

18 thoughts on “May…

  1. May this year was altogether too Shakespearean – all those rough winds, chasing away pollinating insects, so the darling buds didn’t set fruit, wrecking young plants.

    June ? Today’s maximum was 10 C . A saving I suppose ! Anything new for summer on hold.


    1. Yes we also had crazy wind Esther but finally some rain so that’s a plus after several years of drought. And our June, like yours, has been super cool. Bernie


  2. You did so well with whole short and sweet post Bernie, plus perfect photos to match MAY. Enjoy your camping trip and the summer ahead. Thanks for joining us for #wboyc I always enjoy reading about your exploits 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for hosting Deb. I might find some extra time at the end of June to do a taking stock post (always love yours). I do know that my WOTY isn’t front and center this year…hm. Bernie


    1. Thanks, Denyse. I knew I to be brief, and the poetry came easily. I always spend a bit of time in Canva making the photo colleges. I have TOO many pictures to choose from!!


  3. Hi Bernie, A creative and fun post to read…lyrical. Love the family photos! The Awesome Aurora…over the top spectacular. Can’t wait to hear/read about your summer of camping. Heading to some of my old stompin’ grounds. Fun! 💕 Erica


    1. Erica, So sorry for the late response. I approved it but somehow lost it after that. Finally cleaning up some stuff on the actual computer and found it again! Thanks for the read and the love of how I did my May post. The family photos fill my heart with such joy. I am certain your old stomping grounds will do the same thing! The count down is on!! Stay tuned for daily posts!! Bernie

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      1. I was just reading a book called Juggling Fire by a Yukon author. Interesting read but now I know how many grizzlies there are up there😳.

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      2. We have seen grizzlies close up and from far away. Plus friend’s stories, too in depth for here. Solstice is just around the corner…I am excited for you and your husband, Bernie! 😀

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