Posted in reading, writing

What’s not on the shelf

I’m not a quitter. Never have been and probably never will be.  There are very few things in life that I start and don’t finish.  It’s just how I roll. But…

The book I’ve been reading for eons and eons and seriously more eons isn’t getting finished. According to Libby I’ve picked it up 13 times and read for 2 hours and 58 mins. There is a mere 5 hours and 19 mins at the current rate. But…

It’s like a medical textbook- guaranteed to put at least your mind to sleep if not your body. The thing is I do want to finish it. It’s about ADD and apparently it’s one of the best recent books on the subject. I let the last loan lapse and will pick it up again. Perhaps on a road trip. Nah I would definitely fall asleep. Hey maybe it would work on insomnia?

I have been reading even though this time I told myself no other books while I had Scattered Minds on the bookshelf. I don’t want to dissect too closely what that might mean…

When I finished Liliac GirlS I headed straight to the good “old” web to see if this author had any more books. It’s always nice to stumble on a trilogy after it’s written as it means you have some direction for what’s next on the bookshelf.

I just finished The Sunflower Sisters. The background for all three novels are true family diaries and letters. They are historical fiction in that they pull in some imaginary characters into the real context of the time. It appears I’ve read them out of order as Lost Roses is the second book. They are each stand alone stories though so quite certain this is one of those actual no harm no fowl scenarios.

While I await its arrival in Libby I am reading What Happened to You? It’s an interesting look at how the early years of our lives have such an incredibly profound impact on our personalities. Somehow it’s not quite as dry as Scattered Minds but I am only 26% through so we shall see if I get it read in one loan period.

As an aside I really enjoy the #whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge challenge each month as I note down titles for future reads. It’s nice too connect with those that are happy to curl up and read a good book. 3 of the hostesses; Sue, Deb and Jo are Australian and often the books they enjoy aren’t available on Libby which always bums me out. I occasionally do a library request for a specific book but I site miss my two librarian friends, now retired,  who always took such good care of me!

Happy reading everyone. I may disappear for a while as I’ve decided it’s time to read ALL of the L.M. Montgomery books before our fall trip to PEI. The cover photo was chosen because of her impact on readers around the world.

Always happy to hear from those that follow along here. Let me know what is on your bookshelf or perhaps your most favourite read. Now that would be a good post wouldn’t it!



I have had a love of the written word for my entire life. It's no surprise that eventually I found a platform where I could write. It's random; sometimes funny, occasionally sad, maybe even at times from anger and I lean towards creative photography and hands on crafts. I have a few blogs that high light these interests.

18 thoughts on “What’s not on the shelf

    1. Ally, before Anne with an E (which i also enjoyed) there was Road to Avonlea. It was sort of a conglomerate of numerous stories. It ran for many years and was a Sunday nubbt staple at our house. Emily of New Moon was also made into a mini series. So excited to see these places in real life. Thanks for stopping in.

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  1. Hi, Bernie – I wasn’t raised on a farm….but I also learned NEVER to tell my mom that I was bored, otherwise, she masterfully found chores for me to do (often magically, out of thin air)! 😀
    Thank you for joining us at #What’sOnYourBookshelf.’Slog’ books?! I’ve definitely had several on my pile. Like you, I am not a quitter (although one recent book, managed to get returned to the library as a DNF and I simply blocked it from my mind!)


    1. Now I wonder what book you returned unread! I didn’t finish “Fall on Your Knees” by Anne Marie Macdonald. This was years ago and I just couldn’t surround myself with so much despair. I rarely read when my kids were little and really wanted to enjoy the few times I had. Also didn’t like Life of Pi but did finish it. I’ve never told Yane that (he is a neighbour to my friend). I really like his wife’s books Alice Kuipers. They are YA but some really make you think. Thanks so much for hosting– I really enjoy all of your posts and the discussions that my post ends up attracting. Bernie


  2. Just placed a hold for #2 &3 following the Lilac girls, which I read in 2020! Thanks for the suggestion… finally feel like I can focus long enough to enjoy a good book! I never feel guilty about reading when the spirit moves me, but right now our V care does limit the available time.
    One favourite gift I received is a copy of Sylvia Olsen’s book.
    UNRAVELLING CANADA. A Knitting Odyssey.
    A trip across Canada doing knitting workshops about the Cowiichan Sweaters and the Indigenous influence on Canadian knitting history.
    So many stories of people’s lives and a new appreciation of Canadian history.
    Not just for knitters!


    1. Elaine, glad you are recovered enough to enjoy reading and your little grandgirl. I think you will enjoy the next two books. I have read the intro now to the 2nd one and finished the 3rd. I looked up your favourite book in Libby & its not available but think it would be worth an actual book request. Thanks for reading and commenting. Take care. Bernie


  3. I often have multiple books in the works and often one of those is a “difficult” one. Since I typically read fiction, sometimes a non-fiction – but important – book sits on my TBR or in-progress stack patiently waiting its turn. I hope you finish yours eventually… I’m seldom unhappy that I finally made my way through those types of books.


    1. I need to learn how to read two books at once! If i pick up a second fiction one then the original one just doesn’t get read! Yes these important books have a spot and need to be read. Easier for sure with a deadline and heck maybe even a book report from it. Seems it is just for the betterment of my mind and understanding my daughter’s ADD (which I have never understood in 33 years) you would think I could make my own deadline! Thanks for commenting. Take care. Bernie


  4. You are right. Those raised on a farm learned early that appearing to be idle or saying the words “I am bored” or “There’s nothing to do” would result in a work assignment. Glad Mom kept us motivated to do what needed to be done. Also glad, that guilty pleasures seem to carry less guilt now. 😁

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  5. Reading is a guilty pleasure, but there are some books that take a lot of effort. I am rereading the Dune series right now and that one seems to fly by magically. You are right, if you find a good author, you just want to read all their books. That was the way with the Irish Doctor series by Patrick Taylor. Enjoy your Lucy Maud reads. Happy Monday. Allan


    1. So why is it we feel that reading is a guilty pleasure? I am the same way. Feel like I have to earn the reading time. Probably a product of growing up on busy farms hey? Favourite series are worth re reading aren’t they? I’ve read Lord of the Rings so many times. Good to hear from you on one of my favourite subjects! Bernie

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  6. I don’t like to not finish a book either Bernie. But as I’ve gotten older I’ve decided that there are too many good books waiting to be read. I now have a 50 page rule. If I’m not into it by then, I don’t go on with it, without guilt #whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge


    1. Jennifer that’s a great rule of thumb! Of course I reading Scattered Minds because our daughter has just been diagnosed with ADD so I am trying to understand this complex brain functioning. Thanks for stopping by to read and engage. Isn’t it a great blog prompt that those 4 created? Bernie


  7. Well Bernie to my surprise my favourite book is non-fiction. It’s called Island of the Blue Foxes, by Stephen Brown. It is the Russian equivalent of Canada’s Franklin expedition. There was an actual effort in Russia to find a route to North America along the Bering Straight to Alaska. In fact this is about Bering himself. The journey was very well documented but filed away in old Russian archives. When Russia became the Soviet Union the documents were sealed. Only recently has the information about this history and the extra ordinary journey become publicly available. Brown did his research and wrote an excellent book that reads like fiction but is all based on facts. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about history or simply enjoys reading about a great adventure. Someday I’ll read it again.


    1. That sounds like an interesting historical book. Darn that Libby doesn’t carry it (I already checked). I am inherently cheap and don’t own a lot of books. The library has been my friend for years! Thanks for anteing in with a comment. Bernie


      1. Yes I just looked for the online version which is more limited. I am sure the library proper. Miss my friend! Once upon a time an email to her would net me the book now I need to do my own requests 🙃.

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