Posted in celebrations, fitness, pandemic, photography, rural life

Sunday Stills of Rosy Reds

It is entirely possible I will struggle with the link but I did want to participate (for the first time ever) in #SundayStills. The prompt this week is #RosyReds and that struck me as so timely today that I wanted to hop on the band wagon. Now if I can just pull it all together!

As a child growing up in the 60’s on a small farm in the middle of the Canadian prairies our play options were quite limited by today’s standards. My mother’s favourite option for us was, and I quote, “go outside and get the stink blown off you”. So outside we went, rain or shine or cold, and played. Alone as she was inside having 5 Minutes Peace (one of my favourite kids books). In the winter when we came inside she would ask for kisses from the rosy cheeks. She still loves to do that and I am sure she is missing having my littles in her life for many reason but that will be one of them.

So when I read the prompt I knew that this story was what I wanted to write. I also knew exactly what pictures needed to accompany it.

Clockwise from top left shows t he love of my life in his old red jacket but hey it keeps him warm. Running beside him is our little Skye; nothing still about her on a Sunday! Rose hips above the snow line, a fairly easy find in the winter here in the prairies. I always look for them on dull days when I need a boost of colour. The top two stories of our house in that historic red that just contrasts so beautifully against the blue skies. My cheeks don’t show up all that rosy considering that is about 40 minutes into the snow shoe at -28/-34. Which seriously, after last week’s -50’s, seems so doable. I did have sunglasses on but took them off for the picture and seriously I do hate selfies! Stepping outside of my box here by posting it. Seen here wearing my 26 year old parka that I referred to in yesterday’s post called A ray of sunshine.

Holy flip I think the link worked! I’ve been having trouble with it for the last while since I updated my phone and WordPress changed again. Now to just do the link to the challenge and things are good! So here is the ping back to the host blogger Terri’s sunday-stills-color-challenge-a-rosy-outlook/. I also want to do a shout out to Donna as once again her blog has inspired me. I seriously had not set about to do blog post today but there you have it. Inspiration struck and once again I left Charlotte cooling her heels.

So while some might think that Rosy Red has a reference to Valentine’s Day that’s not so here. My homage is to the colour of winter cheeks; just so kissable! I wish my Valentine’s Day had included kisses from the little ones but it didn’t so we made the best of it with an outstanding supper, cracked open a bottle of local wine and indulged in smoking hot brownies. Making the best of the situation.

Spicy beet brownies and a sour cherry wine so more red for the win!


#SundayStills #RosyReds


I have had a love of the written word for my entire life. It's no surprise that eventually I found a platform where I could write. It's random; sometimes funny, occasionally sad, maybe even at times from anger and I lean towards creative photography and hands on crafts. I have a few blogs that high light these interests.

14 thoughts on “Sunday Stills of Rosy Reds

  1. Hi Bernie, nice to meet you and read your post today. Lovely pictures of red! I had the same idea to take a selfie of my rosy cheeks then changed my mind. Yours came out great 🙂 Welcome to Sunday Stills! I post each month’s weekly themes on my page if you want to peek at next week’s.


    1. I was surprised my cheeks were not rosier at that to but I guess I am pretty hardened to the cold. Yeah the selfie was outside the box but whatever! Will check out the themes and see what inspires me. Thanks for stopping in and for the connection to the bigger blogging sphere.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Welcome to #SundayStills, Bernie. I am so glad that you have decided to join in. I love your take on #rosyred. What better way to show off this colour than through our bright (and frosty) cheeks this time of year? Awesome post. Congratulations on your links working as well! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Donna. Weird how I could do links with no issue from my phone but now that I’ve updated it I can’t seem to figure out what the heck step I am missing! Thanks for stopping in and commenting and for the inspiration once more. I really do like Canva as a way to add a different look to the photos so thanks for that as well. Bernie

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Bernie, I enjoy reading the #SundayStills although I have not participated (yet). Your Mother’s quote made me smile. I love the photo you compiled. Very creative. I am with you on the selfies. Donna inspires a lot of people, me included. A great post!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isn’t my mother’s quote priceless! Can you imagine hearing a mother say that nowadays! But outside we went. Thanks for the vote of confidence on the photos and for sharing my dislike of selfies. Thanks for stopping by and engaging here. It’s lovely to met and chat with new readers.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely interpretation of the theme, Bernie! Hmmm…so many of my blog friends are participating in Sunday Stills, I’m going to have to check this out. Thanks for the link!


    1. Deb, yesterday’s theme seemed to speak to me as I was outside seeing all these pops of red against the white snow and brilliant blue skies. Plus my mother’s saying and how she loved to kiss our rosy cheeks after. I doubt I will participate every week but it was fun and the links worked! Thanks for stopping in. Hope you enjoy your snow while it lasts.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah thanks Louise. What a nice thing to say. Joy for me is blue skies and sunshine; red is a secondary joy inducer. Glad thr words tied in; even my mother’s saying! Thanks for smiling and for stopping by.


  5. Good montage Bernie. Talk about red cheeks. We went for a walk yesterday in the -36 wind chill of mid day, with winds howling up to 45 kph. It was great to get back home for a warm bevvie. This week promises to be warmer. Fingers crossed. Allan


    1. Yes Allan I read +1 by next Saturday but I will believe that after it happens! It’s once again really windy here today so even though it’s warmed up 10 degrees (now -18) it still feels like -32. I’d rather have yesterday with -28 and hardly any wind for -32. Ah well can’t control it that’s for sure just have to dress for it. Stay warm and stay safe. Thanks for reading and commenting.


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