Posted in celebrations, haikus, pandemic, Self Care

The best collectibles

The impact of one sentence, spoken to me in 1977, is profound. The implications of those words lead to a single decision that can be traced into so many aspects of my life today.

My mother wanted to ensure that I had a quality nursing education behind the letters I would add to my name – R.N.. I chose a School of Nursing versus a University (4 year) or a College (2 year). I lived in residence, on the fourth flour with all the other out of town girls, and the rest as they say “is history”. The path forward from those 3 years included friendships that would last a life time and beyond. They would span life, death and everything in between. The good, the bad and the really ugly.

Friendship is woven
The fabric many layered
Comfy like a glove

I know what I said last year about our friendship still rings true and it can be found in this post called my-friend-my-sister/. What we had last year (and the year before and the year before and … yep fourty years of getting together) has been put on hold for Covid. The four hours of Friday afternoon drink time on Zoom was a technological stand in. While it was good to connect it certainly was not the same recharging, destressing, catch up and general laugh/cry fest that our “weekend” get aways are. I have to say it with air quotations as weekends don’t usually start on Tuesday and end Sunday but that’s how we’ve been rolling the last few years. It seems the older we get the more incredibly precious this time has become. I guess with due cause as we are all 43 years older than we were when we met. Added to that no one is ever guaranteed tomorrow which is why it hurts that we couldn’t hang out.

I would normally be pulling into the driveway about now after a long drive home from the Alberta lake cabin we frequent. I’d be exhausted and yet exhilarated, happy yet so sad that our time together was over for another year. But with our geographical seperations of 3 provinces it was impractical (and wrong according to the guidelines although it doesn’t stop some but I digress) in a Covid year to met. Add to that a cancer journey that a dear friend walks and it was impossible to risk time together.

That doesn’t stop me from knowing celebrating the connection and reminiscing about our times together. Friends are, indeed, the best collectibles. Near or far they fill hearts with joy.



I have had a love of the written word for my entire life. It's no surprise that eventually I found a platform where I could write. It's random; sometimes funny, occasionally sad, maybe even at times from anger and I lean towards creative photography and hands on crafts. I have a few blogs that high light these interests.

12 thoughts on “The best collectibles

  1. I’ve managed a few backyard + distance get togethers with friends who live close by and several Zooms with those that don’t. Like just about everyone else (except those who are true hermits), I so look forward to the day we can gather without restrictions. I figure the better we stay safe now, the sooner that day will come.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wish everyone was of that mindset but it seems masks and socially responsible distancing is too hard for some people. It’s going to be a couple of years they are now predicting which is so hard. Thanks for engaging here and updating me on your life.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi, Bernie – Earlier today I read a wellness article, and its’s bottom line was that the general secret to good health is ‘relationships, relationships, relationships’ (not quantity but quality). Sounds like you have that in spades!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh do I ever! I feel so blessed. My longest running friendship spans 61 years — I was 9 months old when she was born and we’ve been friends ever since! Our kids are friends and our grandchildren know each other (too young to say they are friends but I hope they will be). The 7 of us (what an odd number of women to hang out together hey?) are seriously tight. I’ve got other long term friendships as well that I cherish. Aren’t I blessed and wish everyone was that lucky. I’d love to see this article if you would care to link it here.


    2. Oh and thanks for the blog notes about how to up the visual and content. I spent a LONG time on Canva creating the collage and then had a real challenge trying to get it over here but finally got it!


  3. Great post Bernie. It is certainly tough not to have in person visits with our loved ones. Just a phone call today from son and daughter and a long Skype with two friends down East. Sad, but, like you, we are keeping the connections with our best collectibles (family and friends), while staying safe. All the best. Allan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Allan. While, like you, we do embrace technology to connect it just isn’t the same is it! Amazing how many people are still out traveling amongst provinces and visiting in people’s homes. I am glad we made the decision not to even though it was tough. Stay safe. Bernie

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      1. We heard of friends who still had gatherings of 15 or more for Thanksgiving dinner, no masks, no distancing, shared food and utensils. Yikes. Also a huge engagement party with one person attending while awaiting the results of a Covid test. WTH? Then today, in our own small city, we see handbills posted asking for people to sign a petition to “Reappeal” the mask bylaw. I guess the spelling shows the mentality. Many still think this pandemic is a hoax. Thinning of the herd………..


      2. Seriously? I just can’t figure out why wearing a mask seems like such an issue. And someone going out while waiting for their Covid results — I feel like they could actually be fined for that. So reckless. Unfortunately the thinning of the herd can always hit the wrong spots. Better safe than sorry when dealing with Covid but you and I seem to be on the same page.

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